Saturday, 5 May 2012

General feedback on our documentary

majority of people said it was good could still be better though, one particular person said they did not enjoy it at all. even if they did not all enjoy it, they all learnt something or another from this documentary. Most people said that they would change things about our documentary, i think this is because they all found things wrong and thought that we could improve in a lot of different ways.
most of our class rated our documentary 5 out of 5, few people rated it 4 or less.  a lot of people said that yes it has changed there thoughts and opinions on anorexia nervosa.  most people honestly would not watch our documentary twice to be honest neither would I! everyone gave some kind of positive feedback on how it was overall. out of this documentary people gained more knowledge on anorexia as our whole point was clear to get the audiences feeling sympathetic and to raise awareness on anorexia nervosa. Im glad about the fact that our documantary has inspired and informed people about why or how serious a simple thing like weight loss can be so seriously damaging for the person who's anorexic and also for there friends and family.