Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Issues in Factual Programming- Textbook Chapter

when any source of material is used to help illustrate a issue or a event in any factual programme, it cannot by any chance have any risk of misleading the audience. No false information must be used and for all the archive material at is used, it must be backed up with evidence to prove that it is true.information of one event or story cannot be used to illustrate another event to make the audience think there seeing something
there not actually seeing.
For all the information that is shown on any factual programe, theresearch must be properly done and checked over because we have to be careful about the release of certain things which in the future could be innacurate or proved as false for e.g. information on medical information, educational information or even any kind of advice because if some of these are followed it could be putting some people at risk.
balance is to keep the arguement or documentary even and fair on both sides. equality of information is really important in certain topics such as any political issues in the mass media. sometimes this balance can be biased in describing some issues by being more balanced towards points of views, somtimes more than the evidence supports. sometimes journalist present evidence and also arguements way out of proportion to the actual evidence it may have to support it and sometimes journalist also suppress information from the audience.
Impartiallity is when you have more of a neutral standing on a topic, by not being biased towards one side of the arguement. This applies for all services such as television, radios and also online on the usually lacks comparison, correspondence and also suitableness.
Objectivity is getting the main points through by being open minded about the points that are being made.tis usually refers to gathering news and footages that emphasizes on mostly eye witnesses on account of the event. corroboration of facts usually presented with a mix of diffrent types of sources and with also a balance of viewpoints from a variety of people.
subjectivity is to be keeping your personal views or feelings away from the issues because this can lead to more biased and more of a one sided topic or arguement.
A view or judgment form edabout something, not necessarily based on factor knowledge.
Contract with viewer

Monday, 12 March 2012

year 8's

today we took on a class of year 8's. we helped them do there speaking and listening. the year eight English class is going to be making a documentary, for about five to ten minutes of length.
With the year eight children we discussed documentaries.
what makes a documentary?
at first the children were shy and didnt really know what they wanted to do
brain storm?

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Anerexia- documentary Pre production plans.

I had some basic ideas of the topics i wanted to discuss and some points i wanted to get through to people. i really wanted to raise awareness on anorexia and how much more popular its become as a general health condition in Britain over the past 10years. i also wanted to discuss how anorexia is promoted on television and on the Internet and how this is effecting so many people in so many different ways but they don't know it. 
anorexia's becoming a really common thing with both men and women, teenagers and children. The people that suffer from anorexia, have no idea of all the side effects and all the health issues its going to give them, they don't know how its effecting them and also the people around them.
At first i had three main topics:
  • How Television promotes anorexia and how Television, celebrities, models and the fashion industry defines beauty.
  • How the Internet influences how people think into anorexia. 
  • Anorexia in general, how its getting even more popular everyday and why? all the health problems that come along with being anorexic,
 T.V & Magazines :- These openly promote weight loss because of all the models and actresses being thin in all magazines.
Fashion Industry :- i personally think this promotes anorexia ina way because they make it out as in being thinis beautiful, all models are thin, even on TV there always going on about women being a perfectsize, being size 0,size 0 is the correct measurement in the USA, for a size 6 in the UK.
Celebrities & Models :- they are all thin, most are under wieght and a high percentage of them have had some kind of surgery.
Health Advise websites & websites Designed for Social Networking  :-
Anorexia amongst the general public :-
Health conditions  :- Health conditions that come along with anorexia that people don't think about.


Today we went back to the year eight class that we help plan documentaries with, we helped them find there footages that they have recorded through out the week, so that theycan put it all together.

Monday, 5 March 2012

Mise En Scene

The Mise En Scene for this documentary wont be set in any specific way. we are doing this because its a documentary and all of the clothes and other props will be the actual stuff and not stuff we have set up to create a certain look. almost everything in this documentary is going to be natural as we are even going to be shooting inside Ayaan's home. However some things can be set by us such as the room and the lighting. These are a very important factors in our documentary because it creates a complete different atmosphere for Ayaan and it also helps set a mood for our audience. For example if we have her sat in a sunny bright lit up room it gives the audience good vibes and this sets them with a very optistimic, happy, good mood. on the other hand if we were to put her interview in a grey, dull room it would let of negative vibes which gives the audience a sad, miserable feel.
we might need to use a few back drops because we can use it to show a tidy back ground for some of the interviews. If the back grounds too busy it might take the audiences attention towards unnecessary things and also because it wont look very professional or like an actual documentary, it would look more like a home video just stuck together.
We wont be setting the rooms in any specific way because were going to go and record in Ayaan's home, in a comfortable environment. Other footage's will just be around school which means we cant really set the rooms in any way for our documentary.
the only props were going to be using are the camera and the tripod for the recording of the video clips and the interviews.

Whats happening today?? :S

Today we are going to be putting out video clips together, and we might be deleting the bad ones, we are also going to find music for the start of the documentary, and we might record people walking for the facts. :)